Economic Violence is Gender-Based Violence

Economic Violence is Gender-Based Violence

The South African Police Services reported on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, that over 17 000 cases of gender-based violence were reported across the country between July and September 2022.

This is an increase of 5,000 cases compared to the first quarter of 2022.

These statistics are chilling; however, there is another form of violence that women, children, and gender nonconforming persons experience in this country, and that is economic violence and austerity.

Governments globally are looking to implement austerity measures at a time when the world is facing a major cost of living crisis and trying to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the 2022 “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign,” which kicks off on Friday, November 25, Oxfam South Africa and the global Oxfam community will shining the spotlight on how economic policies perpetuate gender based and how austerity measures impact women.

Download the report, The Assault of Austerity


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